Rabbi David Levine shares 7 things that God proved during Passover.
God proved 7 things during Passover
- God proved He has exclusive spiritual authority over Israel.
- God calls us to serve only him.
- He is God Almighty.
- God proved He keeps covenant with Israel even during times of difficult and sorrow.
- He doesn’t forget us during times of trouble.
- He wants us to remember him during good times and bad times.
- God proved He is a redeemer – he purchased us out of slavery from the Egyptians, and out of spiritual slavery.
- He hears our cries.
- He pays the price for our redemption.
- Our part is to trust him and obey him.
- His part is to redeem us.
- God proved that he sees if we have applied the blood of the lamb as an act of faith and obedience – at Passover in Egypt, and now in relationship to Yeshua.
- God is looking for faith and faithfulness in us.
- At Passover in Egypt – he told the Jewish people to put the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of their houses.
- Faith was shown by action.
- It is the same today – we need a Passover lamb today for our redemption.
- Yeshua is that lamb. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
- God proved he has authority over Egypt – he had the authority to force Pharaoh to let God’s people go.
- God wants us to know that He can rescue us from our enemies.
- God will always save a remnant.
- Pharaoh is gone, but Israel is alive.
- Hitler is gone, but the Jewish people are alive.
- God wants us to know that He can rescue us from our enemies.
- God proved that he has authority over the gods of Egypt – he judged them with the 10 plagues.
- There are spiritual forces that hate the Jewish people, and want to destroy us.
- At Passover, we remember that our God is stronger than all other spiritual forces.
- God proved that he raises the dead – by resurrecting Yeshua during Passover, and showing that Yeshua is Messiah and Redeemer of Israel.
- God opened up the Red Sea and brought the children of Israel through the waters.
- In the same way, God opened up the grave, and brought Yeshua up from the dead, and then up to heaven.
- God is able to save us.
- At Passover, we remember we need God’s salvation.
- God opened up the Red Sea and brought the children of Israel through the waters.

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